Arjen van Silfhout

Volg Arjen

There are three things I really love in this world:
1) Science
2) Helping Others and seeing them grow
3) Speaking out on injustice

This made me want to join the airforce. As an Officer Communication- and Information Systems, I get to live all three. I work with science and technology every day, and am at the core of where technology is used to make the Netherlands a safer place. Given our core tasks at the military, which includes protection of the international justice order, I thoroughly enjoy combining helping others and speaking out on injustice with why we do what we do every day.

As a lead candidate for Volt in Den Bosch, I can use my science background to work towards the same goals. Making the municipality strive for better digital systems, while at the same time protecting those in need. Being able to speak up where it matters most: in the streets where we live, where politics come to life.

So that's me, in a nutshell.

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